From the moment I first met you (plus a month or so),
I knew I would always love you more
Than you could ever love me.
It is not a matter of jealousy:
How much you love that friend over me.
Or a matter of low self esteem:
Do you really love me as much as you say you do?
Rather, it is just a known fact of mine.
I have had
Since the moment I met you (plus a month or so).
The feeling of comfort I get from just one touch,
Accidental or with intention,
Combined with that sweet sensation
Of one small thought containing you,
Is just one of the many examples
Of my love for you.
Perhaps low self esteem does play a role,
For I always find myself wanting more.
Although, I feel you find it quite a joke
When I ask to hold you for one moment longer.
Yes, I will always love you more
Than you could even love me back.
You are a core piece of my heart,
Something I can never get my mind off of,
And yet, I do not find it at all that burdensome.
In fact, I surely adore it
Since I find that I love you more than most.
But I wonder why you won’t
Feel the same about yourself.
Perhaps this is really why
You will never love me as much as I do you.
For if one cannot love herself,
How then, could she possibly love the whole world
As you say you do?
In order to please others,
You give up your time.
Yet what will one gain
If she gives up her whole soul
To satisfy the entirety of others?
It is all wasted effort
If she does not love herself first.
Self-love is the root of finding happiness.
The Lord said to do everything with love,
Yet pure love cannot exist without self-love first.
Should one try to do things with love not from self affection,
Nothing good can come out of it,
And everyone you try to please knows
That nothing can come out of nothing.
Therefore, my dear friend,
I wish you would love yourself
So that I can love you the same amount
As you love me.
This way, my heart will be at ease,
Knowing you are one step closer to happiness
Than I will ever be.