“Love Laws” – Audrey Jiang ’25

Found poem, created with The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy.

Where the love laws lay down who should be loved.
Is it Necessary that people HAVE to love their own children
Most in the World?
And how?
And how much?

The reckless rage of a suicide bomber:
Ammu felt a sudden clutch of love for her son
who had just completed his first adult assignment.
She walked along the platform,
Her walk turning into a run.
Her goodnight kiss left no spit;
A little more her mother loved her.

Where the love laws lay down who should be loved.
And how.
A clear-as-glass kiss, unclouded
that demanded no kiss-back.

The infinite tenderness of motherhood
Sometimes made her want to hurt them–
An education, a protection.
They make people love you a little less–
That’s what careless words do.
Punishments, in exchange for Ammu
Loving her the same as before.

Where the love laws lay down who should be loved.
And how much.
Love had been re-apportioned.

An unmixable mix.
Here, you keep one of them.
I can’t look after them both.

Where the love laws lay down who should be loved,
One blood, thou and I.
And how?
Suspend her children’s childhoods until she could
Afford to have them, take up from where
they left off, start again.
And how much?