2024-2025 Midyear Issue

“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies… The man who never reads lives only one.”  – George R.R. Martin

With this in mind, all the works below and even the painting above depict or embody another person’s perspective. Whether it be through a memoir or a fictitious story created by one of these writers, there are many doors to be opened and different pairs of shoes to try on. You may only live once but might as well try and have a couple more through reading.

Thank you to all our writers, especially those who submitted these wonderful pieces of literature, and members of the Egerian! Also, thank you to Mr. Hogan, our faculty advisor, and Audrey Jiang, our co-president, for all their help in making the Egerian magazines possible, and I would like to give a special thanks to Tessie Wong for this masterpiece that she put a lot of blood, sweat, and tears into creating and graced us to use as our header art this year!

— Nina Onest ‘25

Short Stories:

“The Library’s Window” – Diya Shrishrimal ’26

“The Boardwalk” – Özge Uzman ’27

“What is Beauty If Not an Art?” – Diya Shrishrimal ’26

“Dr. Tofu” – Ethan Hratch ’25

“Till We Wither” – Diya Shrishrimal ’26


“Being the Toxic One is When…” – Nina Onest ’25

“A Note to My Dear Friend” – Nina Onest ’25

“Do I Really Love You?” – Nina Onest ’25


“When a Unit of Measurement Plays the Drums” – Anna Apetrei-Pandrea ’25

“Birthdays” – Campbell Brown ’26

“Cypress Scented Notes (and Assumptions) from a Foreign Son” – Christos Kennedy ’25

“Bloomfield: A Medieval feud Reborn into fedoras and sandals” – Rocco Bristow ’25

“Slagforce: The underground trail builders of Frick Park” – Morgan Bender ’26

Header art by Tessie Wong ’25

Shady Side Academy's literary magazine, established 1928