“The Ballet of the Brutes” — Connor Valenta ’16

First down,
The calm before the storm,
The players come together like penguins in a snowstorm,
The play is sent in and the players think of their moves, there is no more rehearsal.


They line up in their positions set to perform,
The main character lines up and checks to be sure everyone is in their positions and calls for the ball
Just as he is given the ball the music begins,
The brutes begin their moves in perfect rhythm


The main character tosses the ball to another and it is caught,
The defense screaming a war cry of, “Toss! Toss!”
The man with the ball running for his life trying to find an opening
But just before he is caught something amazing happens.


It’s a trick!
The man with the ball stops and looks to throw downfield,
A receiver breaks loose running downfield,
The ball is thrown and all goes silent.


The ball is caught and the audience goes wild,
The receiver crosses the goal line and the music is stopped by the zebra’s loud cry,
The audience gives a standing ovation, for the perfect play,
For the act is over but the ballet continues.